Sunday, December 14, 2008


Popping is a funk dance and street dance style based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop or a hit.

This is done continuously to the rhythm of a song in combination with various movements and poses.[1] A popping dancer is commonly referred to as a popper.

Popping is also used as an umbrella term for a group of closely related illusionary dance styles and techniques that are often integrated with popping to create a more varied performance 

It is generally believed that the dance evolved in Fresno, California in the 1970s, partly inspired by locking

Like other street dances, popping is often performed in battles, trying to outperform another dancer or group of dancers in front of a crowd. This gives room for improvisation and moves that are seldom seen in shows and performances, such as interaction with the other contestants and spectators.

Today, popping has been incorporated into both the hip hop and electronica dance scenes to some extent.


Krumping is relatively new urban street dance-form that began in South Central Los Angeles and is characterized by free, expressive, and highly energetic moves involving the arms and chest. It has become a major part of hip hop dance culture
Krump is one of the dance style similar in form and practice to traditional weapon dances, and for this reason is considered by many African-American krumpers to be symbolic of, or referential to, their tribal roots. Dance "battling," a form of dance where competitors face-off in a direct and aggressive competition, is an integral component of krump in a similar way to the earlier breakdance battles, with "dissing" (mocking), and heightened moments of frantic, aggressive arm and chest movements (known as "buck" moves) being common.


locking(originally Campbellocking)
is a style of funk dance and street dance
It relies on fast and distinct arm and hand movements combined with more relaxed hips and legs
The movements are generally large and exaggerated, and often very rhythmic and tightly synched with the music
Locking was originally danced to traditional funk, such as James Brown
Funk music is still commonly favored by locking dancers, and used by many competitions such as the locking division of Juste Debout
The name is based on the concept of locking movements, which basically means freezing from a fast movement and "locking" in a certain position, holding that position for a short while and then continuing in the same speed as before

